After more than a decade of coaching, training and advising executive leadership teams, LeeAnn found that most mission driven leaders—especially women—begin to systematically ignore their bodies and disconnect from their intuition in order to get ahead at work.
It’s not just about failing to exercise or forgetting to mediate.
It’s about favoring rational thoughts and data over what you deeply know. Trusting the “experts” over your instincts. Driving toward linear growth while missing life-giving, intuitive cues that could help you make game-changing adjustments to your leadership.
Leading with guts and grace requires that we identify the warning signs of when we are disconnecting from our bodies and ignoring our inner guidance system. Here are some of the subtle yet serious consequences and signs to look for:
LeeAnn has identified four keys that have the power to stop the epidemic of women ignoring their bodies and disconnecting from their intuition.
Her methodology draws from the fields of neuroscience, positive psychology, mindfulness and somatics, along with thousands of hours coaching innovative, passionate, diverse women in a multitude of industries.
By mastering The Four Keys you will tap into the wisdom of your body, replenish your energy, and reclaim your native superpowers in life, work and leadership.
LeeAnn's programs are designed to disrupt the status quo and deliver unparalleled results for women leaders. She calls the process “dismantling the patriarchy within.” Her clients call it “life changing.”