Meet Leeann

Your guide on the path to big transformation

LeeAnn Mallorie helps forward-thinking, driven women get better results and impact more people—without burning out. She teaches them how to access the wisdom of their bodies, recover their native superpowers, and trust their intuition.

As the founder of Guts & Grace and Leading in Motion, LeeAnn has supported leaders in organizations of all sizes, from a wide range of industries.

Her new book, Guts & Grace: A Woman's Guide to Full-Bodied Leadership, is available now!

Scroll down to read how LeeAnn learned the hard way how we sabotage our own success—and how she spent the next decade uncovering the transformative, life-changing insights she now shares with women leaders like you.

LeeAnn is a wonderful, unique, rare combination in a leadership coach. She helps you understand your mind, body, spirit connection and how it impacts your leadership, then how that, in turn, impacts others.
Clare Bresnahan, President & CEO, New Leaders Council
If you want to discover and learn about who you are and how great you can be, then you need to work with LeeAnn because she will get you there. I can’t recommend LeeAnn highly enough.
Cindy Kanusher, Executive Director, Pace Women's Justice Center
Life-changing without realizing what’s happening. She brings a different perspective from most coaches. She sees the whole picture of a person and has an incredible, intuitive sense to understand what's happening deeper, below the surface.
Ashley Lemons, Project Manager, NAVAIR

My Invitation

Hi, I'm LeeAnn. I want to share my story with you—as it likely has themes similar to your own—and invite you to step forward into a new and better future. 

Denying Our Truth

I grew up in a small, steel mill town in Pennsylvania, born with an inclination toward curiosity and radical authenticity. I quickly found the social climate did not embrace my natural disposition. 

So I learned to go numb, shielding myself from the pains of growing up and not fitting in. With one exception: when I was moving to music, I felt fully alive.

Dance was my Joy, with a capital J. It almost became my career.

Ignoring our Inner wisdom

Despite my love of dance, I followed the career advice of parents, teachers, and mentors who believed I had “potential” for something more.

Favoring the hard-driving logic of my rational mind, I chose a more “sensible” career path, ignoring the deep and subtle wisdom of my physical being.

Luckily, despite the ongoing tension between my mind and body, I fell deeply in love with my chosen field—the professional-development industry.

If you too have been driven to succeed, you can probably guess what happened next.

On the Verge of BurnOut

Driven by the thrill of success, I achieved early victories in my career by diving headlong into my work at a pace that would prove to be utterly unsustainable.

I was offered what seemed to be a dream job when I was only 24. A global Fortune 500 company invited me to serve as the cultural awareness advisor and communication coach for one of their top executives in Shanghai. Despite being over the moon, I ultimately couldn’t accept the position. I had worked so hard, and generated so much stress, that I was completely exhausted.

Instead of leaping up to the next rung of the ladder, I suffered a mental breakdown and a major illness sent me careening into a five-month crash. It took two years to fully recover and it rewrote my story for good.

a New Path to Success

I had fallen into the trap of the trade-off—giving up important parts of myself in order to achieve success.

Once I fully recovered, I committed to finding a new way forward. I invested my heart, mind and soul into learning how to end this type of self-sabotage. 

Over the next 10 years, I put myself through thousands of hours of training—in mindset, somatics, personal mastery, positive psychology and transformational leadership. 

As an executive coach for a boutique consulting firm in Northern California, I co-facilitated deep-dive personal development workshops and delivered hundreds of executive coaching sessions that focused on the “human” side of work dysfunctions. 

Through this work, I witnessed the “shadows” of hundreds of other successful executives. 

And I met my own shadow again, and again—the layers of resistance, the self-sabotage, the unexpected blind spots, the anxiety disguised as over-confidence, and the subtle doubt that regularly took me and my mission down. 

Over time, it became clear that there was something missing in the way we approach attaining success. My true mission was revealed...

Bridging the mind-Body Divide

What was missing was the body itself—I knew it in my bones. 

To lead a life of vitality & success, meaningful service & financial gain, heart & logic—guts & grace—a woman must learn how to bridge the mind-body divide that is pervasive in today's workplace culture.

This is the only way to get real, sustainable results.

Are you ready?

If you are ready to embrace Guts & Grace and live a life of vitality and success, then you must take the time to truly know and support yourself—nourish yourself, nurture your dreams, connect with your intuition and listen to the wisdom of your body.

Together, we can make this a reality.

My clients consistently learn how to wield more power and get better bottom-line results—in a way that’s effective, sustainable and enhances their ability to lead powerfully and wholeheartedly.

If you are ready to take your own life and career to the next level, I invite you to join our inspired tribe by signing up for a coaching program or book an exploratory session with me.

About LeeAnn

LeeAnn Mallorie, MAPP, is the founder and CEO of Guts & Grace and sister firm Leading in Motion. She has been helping leaders face bottomline challenges and combat meaning depletion and burnout since 2005, using mindfulness and embodiment tools.

LeeAnn has spoken at numerous conferences, including: Conscious Capitalism, Wisdom 2.0, the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, the Permaculture Convergence, and Stanford Design for Dance.

LeeAnn's new book, Guts & Grace: A Woman's Guide to Full-Bodied Leadership, is available now!

“When a woman puts all the things she thinks she can’t have together in the same sentence, she gets a taste of the real power and potential of her leadership.”
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